Getting around using 'Reset Scene'
I'm looking to circumvent the 3 second delay when reseting the scene using the 'Reset Scene' attribute by doing it 'manually'. ie. Sending the camera back to the beginning of the level and respawning my character.
The problem I'm having is with the camera. I can't seem to find a method which allows me to send the camera back to the start of the level.
I've tried spawning a dummy object and sending that back to the beginning of the scene (having that control the camera), but for some reason couldn't get the spawned object to respond to 'Move' or 'Move To'. Maybe it's just late and I need a fresh perspective, but if anyone has a demo or method they could suggest I'd be much appreciative.
I figure a method such as this could also be useful for checkpoints..
The problem I'm having is with the camera. I can't seem to find a method which allows me to send the camera back to the start of the level.
I've tried spawning a dummy object and sending that back to the beginning of the scene (having that control the camera), but for some reason couldn't get the spawned object to respond to 'Move' or 'Move To'. Maybe it's just late and I need a fresh perspective, but if anyone has a demo or method they could suggest I'd be much appreciative.
I figure a method such as this could also be useful for checkpoints..
Put in a game attribute called "levelBeingReset".
On press of the reset button...pass the level scene identity to the game variable and change to the ResetScene.
Put a 1 second timer delay (or more or less) in the ResetScene. Once complete:
Rule sequence:
when sceneBeingReset=1 - change to level scene 1
when sceneBeingReset=2 - change to level scene 2
when sceneBeingReset=3 - change to level scene 3
The scene transfer to the reset scene should be quick and the transfer back to the level scene should be a normal default reload.
This method will at least give the gamer an "experience" while waiting rather than watching the screen process.
Most "professional" games have a 2-step reset level process for this reason.
i'm guessing you want your 'transition' to the beginning of the level to be as instantaneous as possible. so you could try spawning your dummy object with control of the camera, but spawn the dummy at the beginning of the level where you want the camera to be. or, you can spawn the dummy at the end of the level and then just chg attr the position x/y of the dummy object to the beginning of the level. that will instantly move the actor to the new position, instead of 'move' or 'move to'. one of these methods may work.
hope that helps...