Error publishing android game
i was trying to publish an android game and got this error.
Package Name is not valid. Package segments must start with either [a-z] or _ and must be in all lower case, except for the last segment may have mixed case letters.
Package Name is not valid. Package segments must start with either [a-z] or _ and must be in all lower case, except for the last segment may have mixed case letters.
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that was going to be the title
also thanks for the replay
put something like: com.kirk1234.lastdefense (com.xx.xx)
Hope this helps!
@Butterbean I just re-did it and still got that error above.
Huge Props to Tshirtbooth And Butterbean
During Terminal
keytool -genkey -v -keystore titlehastomatchthepackagenameexactly.keystore -alias titlehastomatchthepackagenameexactly -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
And has to be lower case during Gamesalad publishing
Regarding the package name, with Android apps you can use the same key for all your apps, so I don't think the title has to match the package name, it must be in the android settings under publishing where you can't use upper case or something, but you can use this same key for any apps you wish to publish to android.
Good luck!