Custom score font

sheeposheepo Member Posts: 9
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello! So, I am trying to make score for my game. I have it set up but the default fonts won't fit my game's 8-bit graphic style. I looked around and found t-shirt booth's scorekeeping tutorial which tells you how to load the numbers as images and all that but it won't work! People say that you don't need to put the png at the end (If you haven't seen the video u won't get it, heres a link: ) but it still isn't working! Do any of you know of a different way to do this? Part of me thinks I'm doing the equation wrong so if there was a template with this used that would help too. Thanks!


  • T8TRG8TRT8TRG8TR Member Posts: 120
    Just go into the video and make it the highest resolution and full screen to make sure you have the right formula.

    Also, make sure your images for your numbers are named "1" (just the number) and not named "Num1" or something like that.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    It's true, you don't add the .png at the end. Just make sure the file itself is saved out of whatever graphics program as a .png, and try it from there. and name the files accordingly…1, 2, 3, 4, etc...I use the custom font video tutorial from TSB for every game now, because I just can't remember that custom script every time. But I assure you, it does work if you follow it to the "T".
  • Fabri DamazioFabri Damazio Member Posts: 97
    I use custom fonts to my numbers. Check your formula:

    floor(( game.YOUR_SCORE % self.div )/( self.div /10))..".png"

    If your formula is ok, check the name of your images. They need be like:


    Remember the self attribute called DIV that you need create. In the first number it need be 10, the second 100, the third 1000, etc....

    Tell me if works.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Yes indeed. The div tag is very important. If not numbered correctly, it won't work at all. I bet that's the issue you are having. Double click each number, starting with the very last one onscreen, and name it's div 10. Then keep going to the left through the numbers, and number like Neo said.
  • dominiconlinedominiconline Member Posts: 5
    Im having the same problem, and I've double checked every thing, numbers all at the top of my images, and in order starting at zero to 9 and numbered, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, the div integer is correct as well as the turn on index. the attribute is constrained self.image to floor(( game.score % self.div )/( self.div /10))..".png" (i tried it without too) but still nothing, i also used the hide zero bit and that worked, the numbers show up in order they just don't change... I've checked it a loads of times with the tutorial from tshirtboothbut still no change, just the zeros show up, but the game docent call up any other numbers, the display text score works fine though... what am i missing?
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