GameSalad Artwork Glitch

App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
edited February 2012 in Tech Support
Hey guys,
I was just wondering if this has ever happened to you:
All of my graphics show up in my scene editor and when I click the play button in the scene editor, however when I click preview they turn into white squares.
Is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong?
There are no rules in the actors, they are just there to make it look pretty ;)

Henry Abrams


  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012
    I've had the very same thing happen a few times, I've even had it happen on my iPad, a quick quit and restart sorted it out in every case.
  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    Restart of my computer?
    Because I tried quitting GS and restarting it and that didn't work...
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Just happened to me now. The other thing thats been happening today is actors that have alot of rules in them that you have to scroll down to see cause they dont all fit on the one screen, it doesnt load them all sometimes so i cant see them :(

    Ive submitted bug reports though, so hopefully they will get hammered out soon.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    Restart of my computer?

    No, just Gamesalad, or the GS viewer on my iPad, quitting and restarting turned the white boxes back into artwork.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    Ive submitted bug reports though, so hopefully they will get hammered out soon

    How do you go about that kind of thing, I've seen bugs in GS that reapear in version after version, the updates don't seem to address bugs that have been reported months ago, of course I have no clue as to what would be involved in fixing these things as I am no programmer but some of the more annoying glitches just seem to be accepted as permanent problems with Gamesalad now from what I can tell.

    For example, even after the latest and greatest update that includes Kiip and Playhaven (etc) you still expect to drag a 70 frame image sequence into GS and have GS scramble the order for you so you have to start dragging the images around in the images window into the correct order (so you can use them in 'animate') . . . . only to discover when you get to frame 54 that there is no frame 55, except there is but it's not showing in the images window, so to get frame 55 to show you need to quit GS and restart, but when you relaunch GS you will find it has once again scrambled all 70 frames, so back to square one . . . . etc etc

    Problems like this seem to now be permenant, there's no feedback from GS on these numerous issues, I've no faith that bug reports lead to problems being quickly hammered out (although perhaps there are examples I am unaware of).
  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    I sent in a bug report too. I've never had that second bug you mentioned though...
    I tried that but nothing happened... I guess it's just a glitch then.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    I tried that but nothing happened... I guess it's just a glitch then.

    Mmmmm . . . . sounds like it lost it's link to the artwork, I've had that one too, and you're right in that there tends to be no way out of that one, you just have to reapply your artwork to your actors, like you say it's just one of those weird glitches.
  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    edited February 2012
    I'm one step ahead of you ;)
    Already trying to find those images on my desktop.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012
    "Already trying to find those images on my desktop"

    I'd check if they are still inside your GS package/images - (if you've not done so already).
  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    Yeah, they're in my images folder. This is just kind of strange though because they show up everywhere except in preview! (I haven't tried to see if they show up on my device yet.)

    And what do you mean by "Adding a video will help too"
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012
    ”And what do you mean by "Adding a video will help too"

    I thought I was pasting a quote from your post, but a quote from another post from another thread was still on my clipboard. Video will not help you in anyway whatsoever ;)
  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    Haha I was confused there for a second...
  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporeMember Posts: 988
    This image bug has occurred in my project on the first day i updated GS .91
    I took someone's advice to delete GS and reinstall using fresh copy and the image bug seems to have disappeared.
    Prior to that, whatever image you drag into the project will not show up until you restart the program.
    Currently though i still face a problem with tiles. right in the middle of the scene where there's tiles side by side, there is a noticeable gap. It doesn't show up anywhere else, only the middle of the scene it happens. Very strange indeed.
  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    Hey @GLGames,
    I've already put new images in, but if it happens again I'll try reinstalling GameSalad.

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Hi guys,

    I had this bug when I first started GS. (June 2011) It was really annoying, but after about a month, I believe GameSalad had an update and the issue vanished.
    I haven't had this problem with the current GS update. Although, I have had it where you drag in an image and you cannot see it until you restart GS or restart your Mac.

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