difference between device orientation and interface orientation?

steeler0038steeler0038 Member Posts: 153
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
What is the difference between device orientation and interface orientation? And what are some examples of when you would use one besides the other?


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    edited February 2012
    Hey ,
    The device orientation is an attribute that detects how you physically hold the iPhone/ipad/ipod , it can be portrait or portrait upside-down , landscape left or landscape right , face up or face down ..

    The interface orientation , is directly connected to the current scene your in , and what type of orientation you have it set to.. you know when you go to scene attributes , at the bottom you have "autorotate" , that is what I'm talking about.
    the noticeable difference between the two , is that you can set your scene to be portrait only (checking the portrait from the "autorotate" options) and when you hold your device for example in 'landscape right' mode, it will be like this :
    interface orientation will register AS portrait .

    device orientation will register AS 'landscape right' .

    Hope that clears out things for ya ;)

  • steeler0038steeler0038 Member Posts: 153
    Thanks Roy!
  • blendnzjnrblendnzjnr Member Posts: 11

    Hi I want to keep my scenes in portrait mode but be able to detect when the phone is being held in a landscape orientation... at the moment I have made an Ad Hoc with only the portrait and portrait-upside down ticked on the gamesalad publishing page... and it seems that with only these options ticked It will not detect the landscape orientations when I hold my device in them. I've messed around which having different autorotates ticked in the gamesalad project (under scene) itself but this never seems to determine what orientations my ad hoc app will actually rotate to and which it won't ... what am I missing and how can I make this work? Thanks

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