Physics Bug?

BrackAttackBrackAttack Member Posts: 22
edited February 2012 in Tech Support
Hi. I have it so that actor 1 will destroy itself when it collides with actor 2. Actor 1's collision shape is set for circle. Actor 2 collision shape is set as rectangle. These two actors are exactly side by side, but because actor 1 is a circle, it does not trigger the destroy rule. However, if I now change actor 2's physics to "Movable"-off, suddenly I can no longer have actor 1 side-by-side actor 2 without it destroying itself.

Is this a physics bug? can it be fixed on the next release? I think I need this feature for my game.


  • BrackAttackBrackAttack Member Posts: 22
    ...Additionally, I just noticed: I also have a rule where if actor 2 overlaps with itself (a different actor 2), they destroy themselves. However, if actor 2's "movable" is off, and actor 2 overlaps with another actor 2 (by spawn rule), they don't destroy each other.

    I figure movable or not, the actors would still follow the "overlaps or collides" rule.

    So, two bugs related to the same issue.
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    If 2 actor's movable is OFF , they will not register a collide/overlap rule , at least one of the 2 actors needs to have movable ON .

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