how do you build a letter so later i can check it with the dictionary word if the word is correct?
i am using tshirtbooth template and finally i understand how it works, i just don't know how i can build a letter using many actors,so i try this, i have 26 actors, each represent a letter, now on my check word actor i have a rule when collides with actor "letter A" to change game.attribute check word to "A", ok so this works, but then my next logic won't work, so i have another actor when collide with actor "letter B" to change game.attribute" check word" to "check word"+"check word", basically i thought i was going to get A+b= ab lol then i check if the word is good, but i guess it don't work like this.
change attribute game.wordTocheck to
So then if you touch your G button have
change attribute game.newLetter to g (TSB's dictionary is all lowercase btw)
change attribute game.wordTocheck to
so now game.wordTocheck is "g"
so then I press the "a" button with these rules:
change attribute game.newLetter to a
change attribute game.wordTocheck to
and now game.wordTocheck is "ga"
so then I press the "m" button with these rules:
change attribute game.newLetter to m
change attribute game.wordTocheck to
and now game.wordTocheck is "gam"