Anyone got their GS game working with iCade?
Looks like it should be doo-able as it's just specific key commands that iCade uses.
Anyone got something working?
Anyone got something working?
There's no mention of having to install a SDK in that document you found, but looking here ( it would seem you need to copy some libraries into your project in order for it to read those key commands. That said, if that's all that's needed (copying three files over), I don't see why GameSalad can't include this in an upcoming revision. In fact, I think I mentioned wanting iCade support in the 'what features we want #2'.
Things like, supporting the iCade, add value in the mind's of the consumer, and there are a fair number in existence to make it worth the time to include into your game (if it fits the style of game, of course). This number will surely grow once they release their NES styled controller. I really hope the GS crew agrees that this is indeed a valuable commodity for their developers to have, and finds the time to support the iCade soon.