A mash up between a platformer physics and Cannon type physics

tcla75tcla75 Member Posts: 71
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi what I am trying to do is have a character walk right or left and then load into something like a cannon or sling shot. Shoot him to another part of the level and continue walking in whatever direction. Anyone know how this could be done?


  • robert.mccarthyrobert.mccarthy Member Posts: 165
    As you say its a mash-up, look at the cannon example in GS. Once you have got the hang of that, you can add your character to that??
  • tcla75tcla75 Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2012
    Ya but with the cannon example the main character (ball) is already loaded into the cannon and when you have fired the ball you have no control over the ball. What I am trying to do is to be able to control the character before and after you use the cannon.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    Control the actor as you normally would when walking . . . then use a different actor when in the canon.
  • tcla75tcla75 Member Posts: 71
    I think I need to explain this better. What I am trying to do is this. I have a bird walking along the ground. He steps onto a mushroom. Then an arrow will appear above the birds head. Using touch I will control the directory of the arrow, release and then the bird will be fired up to a ledge and walk on. I can't use different actors for that. I can get the mushroom to spring the bird up in the air but I can't control the power or direction.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    I can't use different actors for that.
    Why not ?
  • HappyKat78HappyKat78 Member, BASIC Posts: 173
    How about having a global attribute (boolean) i.e. ControlScheme. False = platform controls, True = Canon controls. Set your two control schemes for your actor so by dafult it's false and the actor walks etc. When the character steps on a mushroom you change the ControlScheme attribute to true so the controls will change to the canon controls.
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