Core Midi - Will it ever be added to GameSalad?
I understand that GS is geared more towards developing games, but I am using it to develop mostly music related apps/instruments. The most common request I get from customers is for midi support, and I can't agree with them more. I have so many ideas sitting on the shelf because they would require MIDI or OSC control. Do you think GS will ever implement basic MIDI control options? For me, even just adding note and velocity data would be huge. I think If GS added midi functionality and the ability to record/save audio it would be an unbelievable tool.
we aren't likely to get them, because this is a game oriented engine
I'd like Video Out for my iPad 1! But nobody cares about that, probably because iPad 2 and 3 include VGA out mirroring on all apps.
BUT More control over sound playback would be nice, and handy
( for instance, play a sound from a time that isn't the start? or backwards )
direct control over stereo position, etc.
Coding a "real" synth will require Xcode, objective C or something... there are sound libraries out there that can help...
I recommend learning objectiveC or something if you desperately need this.
this is indeed a somewhat "off topic" request for a "games engine"
( but what begins as one thing can grow to be more
- ie Flash? began as "web animation engine. ")
Way back when, I thought about hiding sheet music in a project... a note would be an actor and a line would move across the bars. When the line overlapped the note actor, it would play a sound. I stopped when I realized that this would be a lot of actors, which tends to slow things down. But now with the tables, maybe that could be used to create something like MIDI music.
Heh, maybe DeepBlueApps should look into a MIDI to Table converter.
...wait a minute... maybe I should look into that. HA HA. I'd have to renew my pro subscription though. I haven't done that yet... and I'm not sure if I should.
Creating a MIDI to table converter would only sell a few, but nice idea of using tables as a work around. I have a working guitar hero type GS project that I did before tables that used math to work out the notes/tempo etc.
I'm not sure what I should do with this knowledge though. If I made a Midi-to-Table converter, it could dramatically change the way this community makes music with GameSalad games.
Are people interested in buying such an application?
Sending you a pm immediately.
Well... I didn't actually play any sound. I just had letters display on the screen. Each letter represented a musical note. (That letter could be associated with a sound file, or a single sound played at a different pitch.)
Creating the tables is very tedious to do manually. That's why I was thinking about building a converter app. GameSalad doesn't do the converting... but it can import .CSV files. So, the idea is that if you can make your own midi files, the app would convert that into data that GameSalad could use. Then, with some crafty behaviors and some sound files, that data could be turned into sound.
Technical issues...
1) I noticed that when I returned to my computer, the notes were moving much faster than they should. This technique may not be that stable. Also, I'm not sure of the performance hit on playing sounds in this fashion. A few notes from Mary Had a Little Lamb is not exactly the same as something like the Super Mario Bros theme song, or the Doctor Wily levels in Mega Man 2.
2) I was thinking about turning it into a kickstarter project... but I'm not sure if the demand is there... and I don't want to take a bunch of money only to deliver something that doesn't exactly work. If I'm going to keep working on it, my other projects would suffer.
So, this could be a cool idea or it could suck. I don't know. The possible benefits is that this could dramatically reduce the size of a game. The downside is that it may not be stable, might reduce performance and isn't exactly standard GameSalad technique.
If you want to be technical, this approach is more like a MOD sound file than a MIDI.
I haven't been here for quite a while - it seems they've invented TABLES!
Certainly more suited for "tracker" style music making and such
(Still no "tile backgrounds" though, eh?)
Your GS skills do impress me. I hope to be as good someday, at this ( or some other ) app development system... ( it's not exactly called a "programing language", is it? )
You COULD do a MIDI to table convertor, but I'm not sure the end results would be worth
the effort? ( Who knows what discoveries might occur during research, though. )
.mp3 files work rather well for music, and these devices have so much more memory
space than in the 8 / 16 bit era that it's less of a need
also, playing the ".mods" would use up a certain amount of processor resources and audio voices.
We could end up with sometimes lagging music, like in Zelda 1, remember that? ;-)
When the screen got bogged down with too many sprites, the music played at half speed.
( Actually, the processor slowdown could be one's friend in such games though! Gradius and such would be more difficult without. )
I haven't been here in a while, it looks like things have progressed