How much would you charge?

KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello all,

First off, I hope I'm not breaking any GS rules with this post and I don't believe I am but if for some reason I am, I apologize ahead of time as that was most certainly not my intention. Just felt that I should and needed to throw that out there just in case.

Now to the topic at hand! I have been looking around and can't really get a good answer. Trying to figure out pricing for a client. There are going to be two different types of interactive stories.

The first is basically a scenario type story where something will occur and it will give you two options to choose from. Then from that choice you make, the story will go off in that direction and something else will occur and give you 2 choices to choose from there and so on. It will consist of 35 pages total. Splash screen, Menu, Instructions, Credits and 31 main story pages.

The second interactive story will be just the straight story but the pages will be very, very interactive and have sounds and visual effects. This could consist of 20 to 40 pages.

Basically I am trying to figure out a good price to work around that is not ripping him off but not ripping me off either. Also I will be doing this all on my own but will probably out source for the art assets due to the amount of stuff I am trying to accomplish.

Thanks in advance for our time, taking the time to read and respond!

image killerpenguins image


  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    edited March 2012
    Price it in a way based on time, your skill level, and overheads, with possibly some flexibility if you really want to get the jobs, or if the 'template' you derive from doing the work is useful to you for other projects. I really don't know how else you would price it. Other's might put up a mad quote but beating that quote just to get the job might not the wisest thing to do.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    edited March 2012
    +1 Kipper

    The reason you probably cant find a good answer is because what someone else might charge might not be relative to you.

    It might take so and so a day or 2, but take someone else a week.

    Like kipper said it depends on what your times worth, skill level ect.

    But to try to help you out, you could determine how much your time is worth per hour and then charge a hourly rate. Or determine how much you would pay for the same job.

    Also keep in mind if your doing this in gamesalad, you have to let the client know before hand (if you havent already) that you cant provide source code, only a gamesalad project file or a compiled .app

  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
    Thank you for your responses @old_kipper & @JohnPapiomitis

    But to try to help you out, you could determine how much your time is worth per hour and then charge a hourly rate. Or determine how much you would pay for the same job.

    Also keep in mind if your doing this in gamesalad, you have to let the client know before hand (if you havent already) that you cant provide source code, only a gamesalad project file or a compiled .app

    Well I have determined I don't want to go the hourly rate route just because there are so many potential issues that can come up and keeping track and all that jazz. Also, about the GameSalad thing, all taken care of but thank you for the reminder. I tend to forge some things here and there.

    I think I came up with a good round about price for everything. For the first thing I am going to charge 3k for the coding. $3,500 for coding and sound. 5k for coding and art but no sound. & $5,500 for all.

    For the second one the round about price I came up with is 3k for 1 title which includes coding, the creation, the implementing of the sounds and the testing but no art. They also asked about 4 titles and I was thinking around 10k.

    With me looking around, everywhere is asking for 10k and higher just for the simple first one that I am looking at around $3,500. So I think this is fairly good and cheep.

    Again, thanks!

    image killerpenguins image
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