Camera working with multiple characters.

gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, GS dudes.
I am gonna develop an defense game like "Paladog". The development level is just beginning. The problem what I have run into is how to make camera work with multiple characters. The game concept is to spawn chracters and they will go ahead themselves. The enemy side will come our side automatilcally too. When they encounter each other, the screen would be stopped. During auto battle, some characters would be dead and the others would follow to back up. So all characters (our side and enemy side) would be spawn and would be dead constantly till the end of the game.

I know how to control camera with only one character. But how can I control camera in this case? First, what should I do for camera work of multiple characters? Second, how could I control the camera if the first character were dead?


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