A Month from Release - MARKETING!!! :)
Hey guys,
As my game is in the final stages, I was just wondering what should I do, marketing wise?
Here's what I've got so far:
• Get an awesome promo video.
• Send out a press release on PrMac.
• Post to Facebook, Twitter and email my friends.
• Email review sites.
Anything else to add to my checklist (besides creating a quality game?)
As my game is in the final stages, I was just wondering what should I do, marketing wise?
Here's what I've got so far:
• Get an awesome promo video.
• Send out a press release on PrMac.
• Post to Facebook, Twitter and email my friends.
• Email review sites.
Anything else to add to my checklist (besides creating a quality game?)
And send the trailer to gametrailers.com
Post in 'upcoming games' on TA
With marketing, maybe sometimes it's easy to get overwhelmed by the quantity and quality of games being released every week. But at the end of all the emails are real people who grew up playing video games. If they see something they like they'll probably write about it.
Then contact them directly and give them your press kit, which should include a text file with your game's information, features and links, as well as official screenshots and a link to your video. Make it as easy as possible for them to grab your information and paste it onto their site. Also let them know you have promo codes and if they'd like to review your game to reply to your mail.
I've found that mass mailing press releases doesn't work that well, as most of them are sent to the general mailing email address of sites which for some reason, nobody seems to check. If you can get a direct contact at the sites you can start building relationships with the journalists and you are more likely to get your game reviewed.
You can also try offering journalists special, exclusive content. Another thing, try to come up with an interesting angle for your game's marketing. Is there an interesting story behind the development? People are interested in stories, not just "here's my game, its cool".
http://www.5MinuteSiesta.com -- Need Help Marketing Your Game?
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.