random result
I am working on a project, that has a animation in it, I can get the animation to run for the amount of time i want, but at the end i want it to display a result from 1 of the 2 end game scenes i created, My project has a total of 4 scenes, scene 1 is the choice, kicks into scene 2(animation) scene 3 and 4 are my results. Any help would be great
Thanks again
I am working on a project, that has a animation in it, I can get the animation to run for the amount of time i want, but at the end i want it to display a result from 1 of the 2 end game scenes i created, My project has a total of 4 scenes, scene 1 is the choice, kicks into scene 2(animation) scene 3 and 4 are my results. Any help would be great
Thanks again
when the animation stops playing change attribute randomScene to random(1,2)
then have a rule when randomScene=1
-change scene to scene 3
then another rule when randomScene=2
-change scene to scene 4
Also make sure when you reset the game change randomScene back to 0, or else itll change scenes as soon as it starts
Could you not lose the attributes and rules simply have :
Change scene to scene random (3,4)
Rule: when
Attribute: self.Image = lastImageName.png
--do this (your random and changeScene)
@};- MH