2 questions that are very important for me

DEGOMobileDEGOMobile Member Posts: 43
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi! My name is Johnny and would like to see of you could answer these 2 questions for me. Thank you so much!

My game involves cars and Is like the game FastBall on the app store. I would like to know how to add moving backgrounds like birds flying by and clouds moving by, anything? Please be specific im very new here.

2.) What I want my game to have is 10 Coins for each level, but I want it to be so if they got 8 stars on a level they had 8 stars to buy new karts in the shop, and there's a little tab at the top right of the screen saying how many stars you have. And how do I set it up so once I buy a car they tap it and a popup will say "Would you like to use this car" and then if they select yes they use it on all the levels until they select a different one, also please be very specific. Are there any templates or tutorials for this???

I'm sorry if this is confusing to some of you, let me know if it is. I'm REALY trying to make my game as good as I can. So if anybody can answer those questions for me I would be very thankful!
Thank you!


  • StoneDripStoneDrip Member Posts: 59
    1) Constrain attribute self.motion.linear.x to the speed you want. put a negative sign to move left. To move right, just put the speed number without the negative sign.

    2)When BuyCar Button is pressed, change a boolean attribute "UseCar" to true. In the popup actor, when UseCar is true, change position x, y to the center of the screen. The popup actor will have a "Would you like to use this car" button, so have a rule when that button is pressed, change another boolean attribute "ThisCar" to true. In your character/normalcar actor, have a rule when ThisCar is true, change image to the new car image and save attribute.
    (This is how i would do it, though there may be a better option)
  • StoneDripStoneDrip Member Posts: 59
    Oh and for number 1, if you want the moving background to move back from the other side once it moves out of screen, you can go to scene and check wrap x or wrap y. Or have the rule in the actor says when self.position(x or y) is more than or less than the position that they will not be seen in the screen, change attribule, self.position(x or y) back to starting position.
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    1. is termed parallax scrolling … you can check in Wikipedia … and there are templates of this Deep Blue Apps has one
    and many videos

    2. boolean attributes work for 2 states/conditions … if you are going to give the player 3 or more cars available for buy … your cars should be referenced with a index type attribute.

    @};- MH
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