Quick Collision Question

jblb2424jblb2424 Member Posts: 65
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey all,
Quick question. Lets say i have a house, and my game salad character has to jump on the house, but if he makes contact with the wall of the house the game ends. How would i do this in game salad? Thanks! :)


  • ChobbifaceChobbiface PRO Posts: 491
    For the wall of the house, use an actor.

    Rule inside character: when character overlaps/collides with wall - destroy actor/bring up game over scene or whatever you want to trigger
  • jblb2424jblb2424 Member Posts: 65
    Thats a good idea, but i still have a bit of a problem. I have TONS of houses per scene and i have about 60 scenes. Is there any easier way to do this without spending countless hours adding an actor to each wall?
  • ChobbifaceChobbiface PRO Posts: 491
    edited March 2012
    If you want game over to trigger specifically when the character makes contact with the wall, then I don't think there is another shortcut around it.

    If for example, your character is running on the rooftops of the houses, and he falls and game over triggers (not on specific collision with wall), then you could use rule - if self.position Y <100 for example, then destroy/trigger game over.
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