Does actor self-destruct when off of the screen?
Hi All,
It looks to me like an actor automatically destroys itself when off the screen by a certain distance or for a certain amount of time. Is this right and where can I learn more about this? I tried searching for this but couldn't locate anything. I want to destroy an actor when it's left the scene for ~3 seconds and I have a way of doing this using a separate actor that counts when the main actor is off-scene (and if it's 3 seconds it initiates levelfailed), but I just want to make sure I'm doing this in the most efficient way.
It looks to me like an actor automatically destroys itself when off the screen by a certain distance or for a certain amount of time. Is this right and where can I learn more about this? I tried searching for this but couldn't locate anything. I want to destroy an actor when it's left the scene for ~3 seconds and I have a way of doing this using a separate actor that counts when the main actor is off-scene (and if it's 3 seconds it initiates levelfailed), but I just want to make sure I'm doing this in the most efficient way.
Actor X = -504 to -509
Actor X = 980
Actor Y = 822 to 827
Actor Y = -502 to -507
yes … you can make that destruction control another attribute … but you need to constrain another gameAttribute to the moving Actor's X or Y position
then when that gameAttribute ≥ the destruction point … changeAttribute the on you want it to change
(this Rule needs to be in a controlActor)
you can monitor what is going on with DisplayText behaviors in other actors
@};- MH