dumb question #34
Member Posts: 239
I want to create a button that when pressed, activates an animation but when released the animation actor goes away/ I was trying to figure it out but nothing I did worked...could someone help out this stupnaggle.
Create global game attribute: Game.buttonpressed
Create a rule within the button actor that you're pushing
Rule: When touch is pressed:
change attribute: game.buttonispressed to true
Rule: When touch is released:
change attribute: game.buttoninspressed to false
Within the actor you want animated do this:
Rule: When game.buttonispressed is true
Animate: "whatever you want animated"
In the animation piece: (what it is you're adding to the actor or animating)
The best way you could do this is make the "animation" a separate actor and destroy it after a few seconds that way when you push the button again, it will activate the animation as new
Hope this helps!
Have 2 rules
Rule 1:
when touch is pressed
Rule 2:
when touch is released:
changeImage to.... (if you want no image...use a blank/transparent png file...if you want the actor still present in the scene...and this will get rid of the animation to relieve a little processor strain)
change self.alpha to 0
change self.position.Y to 800 (or some location out of the screen)
The alpha setting will make it invisible and Y position adjustment will move it out of sight so you can't press it again. Then you can move it back later if needed.
Or you can destroy it if you never will need it again in the scene.