Operation Overhaul - Bringing a commercial flop back from the dead
Hey there!
Several months ago I released an app called Alpha Swarm, and despite great reviews it has been a total commercial flop. However, I feel it has great potential, so I'm reworking just about everything.
I'll be blogging about my progress and will be looking for user feedback and suggestions, so I'd like to invite people to follow along. It should be a decent read for any game developer, and hopefully I can spare some of you from making the same mistakes!
Several months ago I released an app called Alpha Swarm, and despite great reviews it has been a total commercial flop. However, I feel it has great potential, so I'm reworking just about everything.
I'll be blogging about my progress and will be looking for user feedback and suggestions, so I'd like to invite people to follow along. It should be a decent read for any game developer, and hopefully I can spare some of you from making the same mistakes!
@};- MH
I LOVE IT. its definitely one of the best gs action puzzle games out there. i CANT understand why it flopped or why you think it flopped.
only found a negative review about it crashing. not sure if the other reviewers are actual customers or your friends cheering (most devs do that) but it IS a good game.
how were sales? maybe your opinion on flopping is different from mines lol its a great game.
As for crashing, I see that quite a bit on reviews of GameSalad apps. I don't know if its an issue with older devices, or the user just needing to restart. I personally never experience crashes.
Thanks for following on twitter, though!
Also, the second blog post is out: http://jovialapps.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/operation-overhaul-progress-update-1/
Glad i saw it , ill be watching this one , i fond reading development threads
Best of luck with the Overhauling process !
Thanks for the kind words and following along!
Great job and I hope the revival works for ya.
Regarding crashes - it could be on 4th gen ipods? So if you are using retina independence they will use the larger images. But they only have the same memory as 3rd gen devices - 256MB. I was having problems with that recently so had to do another round of optimisations.
Hope its doing well. I enjoyed playing this one. it gets very challenging too!!