Actor not completeing move to

pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
hey guys, i have an actor that is essentially told to move to the place you click under certain circumstances. however, if the actor hits something that it collides with (restitution set to 0) it will rarely bounce off, but will always at least slide off the collide-able object and keep going in the slide direction. Ive tried many things already but i cant seem to figure out how to make it resume its course after it has cleared the object.


  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    The behavior "Move to" Is broken and has been for ages,
    Try use interpolate, self position...
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    ive tried interpolate, but then the actor goes completely straight through teh collisions it's supposed to have...
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    (and it was hard figuring out the equation to make the actor move at a constant rate with interpolate, but i finally got it and realized interpolate woiuldnt work :( )
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456

    on your playerActor:
    Rule: when
    Event: overlaps/collide with actor
    --Move To: (just option+drag your original Move To: behavior here)

    … collide usually stops movement … so tell the computer to keep the object moving

    @};- MH
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