problem collecting coins
I all. My problem is i'm using diferent coins foreach scene in my game, but allways the same scene. My rule for the coins is when they collide with my actor or they aren't in their scene, they goes to -50 Y.position, so they still are in the scene but they aren't visible. But when i reset scene or change to the good scene, those coins remains in their position -50Y because i don't have an atribute who tell the actor the very first position where the coin was dragged. Of course i could edit every coin's position one per one accessing to their scene atributes, and setting their position manually, but that's a lot of work. So resuming: i just want to store the very first position of the coin (the position where the coin was dragged in my gamesalad creator), my question is, ¿do this attribute exist?
on coinPrototype:
add attribute … real type … name: origY
then for 1st behavior (top of the list in the rules/behavior) … drag in a Change Attribute behavior
changeAttribute: self.Position.Y To: origY
click on each coinInstance in each scene and see it's Y position …
copy/paste or type in the origX attribute
your coins should go to correct Y position when each scene loads or resets
@};- MH