Question about setting up health bars?

gotyoursgotyours Member Posts: 246
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
ok todays question- so the project i am working on now has a power bar for health(thanks Tbooth). So my question is 2 parts, can i make it flash red when it at like 20%? and the 2nd question is, i added health power ups to the game but if you get to many the bar continues to grow is there away to cap how much goes back into the health?


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    edited March 2012
    Hey ,
    To your first question :
    1) You need to figure out how much 20% is from your total health , now lets say your bar is 10 pixels wide , then 2 pixels is your 20 percent .
    This is the rule you'll make in your Health BAR actor-
    When "Game.hero health" IS BIGGER OR EQUAL TO 2
    change self.color.alpha TO 1
    Constrain self.color.alpha TO sin(self.time*300)*0.5+0.5 (300 is the flashing speed you can change that)

    To your second question :
    First you need to decide what is your health limit , lets say its 10 for this example .
    So this is what you do ,
    When "health power up" achieved
    Rule - When "" IS LESS THEN 10
    Change "" TO ""+1 (or whatever value you want)

    Photobucket Roy
  • gotyoursgotyours Member Posts: 246
    perfect thanks Roy
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