Kony2012 - iPhone App Funding

Hey Guys,
I'm developing a non profit iPhone app that let's people share their Kony posters with the world by taking a photo of their poster and adding it to the app, for screenshots and more info please check the link bellow. Most of the app development is done, there are some extra features and graphics designs that the app still needs.
Here's the link for funding the app and to learn more about it: http://igg.me/p/79332?a=498471
Any fund would be really appreciated. Thank you everybody.
I'm developing a non profit iPhone app that let's people share their Kony posters with the world by taking a photo of their poster and adding it to the app, for screenshots and more info please check the link bellow. Most of the app development is done, there are some extra features and graphics designs that the app still needs.
Here's the link for funding the app and to learn more about it: http://igg.me/p/79332?a=498471
Any fund would be really appreciated. Thank you everybody.
Check out this politico article on what happened to the narrator of the Kony 2012 video it isn't looking good for him. This is not to discourage you just to inform you.
Yeah, I personally don't think this is going down well, Despite The narrator trying to do good
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.'" — Irish Saying St. Patricks Day Thread
I did read about what happend to the narrator of the video. I think it's a personal mistake and the purpose of my app is to bring Kony down which shouldn't be stopped because of a mistake of a guy. But thanks for sharing the link.
I hope you get enough funds for the project!, When I get my new card ill donate a few...
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.'" — Irish Saying St. Patricks Day Thread
I hope so too. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!
Welcome mate!