Hello from Philly

I'm Sterling from Philadelphia. I'm interested in a text based story writing game. However, I don't see how to get started. How do I even insert the background image I want for my game? Thanks for any genuine help.
I'm Sterling from Philadelphia. I'm interested in a text based story writing game. However, I don't see how to get started. How do I even insert the background image I want for my game? Thanks for any genuine help.
There are loads of great Gamesalad resources, that should be your starting point though
p.s. Welcome, ask lots of questions! Looking forward to seeing what you can create.
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.'" — Irish Saying St. Patricks Day Thread
LeonardDeveloper (Jack Leonard)
Like Bright said check the cookbook. When you're looking for some more stuff check out, here's Tshirtbooth's channel
I believe there are also some templates available for story books, but you should better start with the cookbook...
Follow Eating My Hat on Facebook, Twitter and our Blog
Check out my templates in the GS Marketplace or at the store
Game graphics for budding developers: http://www.graphic-buffet.com
everything (objects/elements in a scene) are actors …
add [+] an actor … import an image … drag the image to the actor … drag the actor to the scene … set size and position in the actor's Attribute pane.
as all have advised: do the tutorials in the Cookbook … and videos …
and down load the GS Manual
Enjoy yourself!