Help with name of my game!
hello there!
I have just submitted my new game ZNAKE HD - Multiplayer fun. What do you guys think. Shuld I have the multiplayer fun in my game name or should it just be ZNAKE HD? Or any other ideas of my game name?
here is a Sneakpeak of my upcoming game:
I have just submitted my new game ZNAKE HD - Multiplayer fun. What do you guys think. Shuld I have the multiplayer fun in my game name or should it just be ZNAKE HD? Or any other ideas of my game name?
here is a Sneakpeak of my upcoming game:
The main thing is, should you release a game without having a set name already?
I don't mean this to be condescending or disrespectful, so please do not take it that way. If you want to be taken seriously in the field, I would not release a game to the App Store without it being completed, including the name of the game. Imagine if when Angry Birds was released it was called "Pissed off Poultry" or something like that, and then a couple of months later it changed to Angry Birds. It would be seen as extremely unprofessional, and the developer would not be taken seriously, and people that heard about Pissed off Poultry could not find the game now, because the developer came up with a better name after it was released.
I don't know if this is your chosen career path, or if it's just a hobby, but either way, if you're going to do something, you should do it right if you want to be taken seriously. Again, please don't think I'm trying to be an ass, I'm just giving you my personal opinion on the situation, and releasing a game with the intention of changing the name later on when you can think of a better one, will be looked at as unprofessional.
And SlickZero you made a pretty funny parable with Angry birds