Fading out a particle effect?

part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi everyone,

i have a game where i need to make a partcile effect when something is destroyed.. but it seems like i only have two choices.. 1. let it go forever.. or 2. destroy it which instantly makes it vanish which looks really bad.

all i want to do is have it pleasantly fade out after say 1 second.. i've seen the effect in games like tiny balls so it seems it must be possible but i can't figure out how.



  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    edited March 2012
    In your particle behaviour select the color properties and click on 'color does not change' and select 'color changes to' then select the color and opacity you require.

  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for sharing, but its not the fade that i'm look at.. its the actual stopping of particle spawning.. what happens when i destroy it (because i don't know how to fade it out) all of particles vanish both faded and still visible ones.

    what i would love is a timer that says.. "stop spawning after x seconds".. destroy completely removes the particles out.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    You could constrain another actor that controls the particles and have a timer, and set it to destroy a little later than the actor.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    edited March 2012
    Yeah just put your particle behavior in a timer and have for (however many seconds you want)

    and if you still want to destroy it just put the destroy behavior in a timer after(however many seconds you want)

    Just make sure you give it enough time to let all the particles fade out

    Like this:


  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    ah you guys rock my world! that's awesome.. i NEVER think to use "for" in a timer.. very cool!


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