Game Salad's capabilities

So I have tried to think up of a new idea for a game now for ages but i just cant do it.
What are GameSalads limits? Is it possible to make a No.1 application with GameSalad such as doodle jump, Plants vs. Zombies or angry birds?
What are GameSalads limits? Is it possible to make a No.1 application with GameSalad such as doodle jump, Plants vs. Zombies or angry birds?
You can make pretty much any game you can think of with GameSalad. GameSalad is particularly well suited for action and physics games. It's a little tougher to make puzzle games.
Ill need to hire a graphics designer, anyone interested?
TSB's are the bees knees too!
'nuf said.
Then put it out there for free or 99 cents. Then if it is HOT and people download it in the 10s of 1000s, then consider making a polished version of it with professional graphics...otherwise...if it flops, you won't be out any $$$ and you can move on to another idea. Do this until you have good experience and/or success and you know what works on the market and you know what doesn't...otherwise your pissing in the dark. Sure you might make it in the toilet a little bit...but in the morning you'll find a giant mess to clean up.
Just wait until Bumper Derby X-Treme is out...Its gonna rock (I say humbly but proudly).
Sneek Peek Link:
(I'm sure it will be look like you put thought into your product! Better than anything I can produce. I need to find a good artist.)
Game play is good...Its fast and action packed...and the AI of the bad guys isn't bad either. They are quite menacing...especially on X-Treme mode (which is actually a fairly difficult game mode...but fun...5 bad guys on that level...its hard to get them without them getting you...I have yet to beat that mode without damage repair capability in place).
I'm still working on the details (damage repair, bonus scoops, etc.)
To add...there will be 4 types of game play (to be announced yet)
With Types + Difficulty + Car Types + 6 courses...there will be about 216 different combinations of gaming challenges. Should have decent depth as a result.
We are also testing physics settings to get the right "Bump" relationships between cars.
Hopefully we will have a BETA version soon...although mouse/web play is not nearly as good as device play...It looks and plays REALLY good on the device.
I can't wait to release it...but its not ready...YET.