Attribute + light object issue, help please?

powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm posting this for my friend since he can't make a post on the forum for some reason (not sure why) anyway. Here is the problem:

Lets pretend it's like super mario.. He lifts a shell and still collides with all the other shells he touches.. But when I'm "lifting" a shell and collides with another he lifts that one too cuz it have the same rules. Is it possible to change an attribute or make a rule when he lifts a shell so he collides with all the other or do I have to make 1000x actors?.. Well I hope you guys understand my problem. Thank you for your time.


Best Answer

  • scitunesscitunes Posts: 4,047
    Accepted Answer
    Make a game attribute called game.AllowedToPickUp (boolean) and set it to true. Wrap the pick up rules in a rule that says when game.AllowedToPickUp is true. Then add a change attribute behavior to the pickup rules (proably last thing in the rule set) that says change game.AllowedToPickUp to false. Then when you throw the shell have a change attribute that sets it back to true.
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