Spawn Actor help
Here's the basic set-up of my game:
Defending a picnic from insects who spawn on the left side of the screen and move to the right, & spawn in random places offscreen
Faster bugs are worth more points.
My actor that spawns the bug actors isn't spawning them,
help please.
Defending a picnic from insects who spawn on the left side of the screen and move to the right, & spawn in random places offscreen
Faster bugs are worth more points.
My actor that spawns the bug actors isn't spawning them,
help please.
Best Answers
JohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
if you want them to always spawn them on the left of the screen, you should be spawning them at around 0 on the x. Not random(0,32) that will spawn them anywhere on the screen in both directions -
JohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
0 isnt the center, its all the way to the left. Try -10 or somethign like that.
Also make sure its relative to scene in your spawn behavior. -
Clouds Posts: 1,599
Is there a way to make them spawn off screen, rather than at the center?
Every 2 secs, spawn actor "ladybug animation"
Direction: 0
Position >: -20
Position ^: random(0,480)
My guess would be that there's something wrong.
You're going to have to give people much more information than "it isn't spawning" - as the problem could be one of numerous things.
Tell us how its set up, or even better post a screenshot of your rules.
Every 2 secs, spawn actor "ladybug animation"
Direction: 0
Position >: random(0,320)
Position ^: randon(0,480)
I want the actor to spawn ladybugs starting on the left off-screen randomly between 0,460 of the screen.
(I want something like plants vs zombies where they spawn off screen and move to the right)