Please. Need help from expert. Menu issue.

powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
edited March 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, Sorry for the wall of text...

I've been working hard on a slide menu but i have one damn issue i can't fix at the moment. I'm going to try to explain it as good as i can.

Let me start of what's working:
I have a camera actor and a dragger actor and have them both visible. Sliding to the right (menu moving right following my dragger) works perfectly and i have a attribute that trigger and snaps it to it's place after 0.3 seconds for 0.2 seconds. As i said, If i slide to the right my dragger follow smoothly my "select world" boxes.

The problem is.
If i slide my dragger to the left it won't run smoothly and just stops making my camera just stop as well a.k.a snap to its closest place without any time delay nor animation, it just jump asap.

I don't think it's any problem with my camera, it has:
actor receive event - mouse button is down
change attri self.position.x game.mouse.positionx
constrain attri self.motion.linear velocity.x 10*(game.mouse.position.x - selfpos... etc etc)

Not sure this will help at all, but one thing i noticed is if i change my timer on:
FOR: 0.3 seconds V run to complete
scene.dragger.dragger.motion. linear velocity.x to 0

If i change the FOR: to AFTER, i get the same effect at both sides.

Would love to get some feedback / ideas because I'm fudging stuck.





  • powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
    Yes i did it's to it's smallest, i actually using one of your template as a base but i re-checked everything 100 times still the same. One side works perfectly, other side is just weird.
  • powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
    if your following my videos did you shrink the camera to the smallest you can make it?

    I know you probably know what the issue is, can i send you an video of the animation on dragger + camera? If that case where can i send it?
  • powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
    just watched your video,

    man i can't tell you just from watching i would need to see the code,

    Alright, let me record a new video where i show you the code and stuff, i ping you here when i sent it :)
  • powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
    just watched your video,

    man i can't tell you just from watching i would need to see the code,

    Hey man, damn! why didn't i think of that, haha. Sending it right away!
  • powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
    ok :( no fix?
  • powkiepowkie Member Posts: 63
    it would take a wile to fix it because you have so much there you no longer need.
    you tried to go from one menu type to another.
    Its best you convert it over to the cover flow one.


    Hey man! fixed it, thanks for the tip. I just changed my camera actor similar to the cover flow.

    /case closed.
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