Highlighting words as they are spoken
Member Posts: 4
I'm working on a story book for kids. One option is for the user have the book read to them. I can get the voice over created just fine, but is there a way to highlight each word as it is spoken? It seems that I'll have to create an actor for each word for the highlight effect, but is there an easy way to sync that with the spoken words?
No idea for the sync. srry
hope that helps. Kipper
You could then use a single actor as a word placeholder. Copy the actor as many times as you have words on the screen. Name each actor the exact word you want to show (e.g. "Once upon a time" would need four actors named 'Once', 'upon', 'a', and 'time'). You can re-used words (e.g. if 'a' comes up on another page, you don't need a new actor). In the actor's rules, add a rule that says when game.WordToSpeak is self.name then [play sound with name game.WordToSpeak] and [display text game.WordToSpeak with yellow color] otherwise [display text game.WordToSpeak with black color]. This of course assumes you're using the built-in fonts. You could do this just as easily with images named the exact word.
Here's a quick demo I threw together: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19602014/Read To Me.zip
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