Hi there.! Recently I made a actor that can jump and 2nd actor as a horse for example and can I jump over the horse actor it attach to him and move together ? I'm dunno and stuck there...
Just constrain the man to the horses y position + half the man's height or so.
Create 2 game attributes (integer) - game.horseY or something and game.horseX
In the forse constrain game.horseY to self.positionY and game.horseX to self.positionX Then in the man constrain self.positionY to game.horseY + (self. height/2) and constrain self.position X to game.horseX
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Can you show me the code for the earlier question please
Create 2 game attributes (integer) - game.horseY or something and game.horseX
In the forse constrain game.horseY to self.positionY and game.horseX to self.positionX
Then in the man constrain self.positionY to game.horseY + (self. height/2)
and constrain self.position X to game.horseX