Table's Issue: Vanishing data from imported CVS file with 1752 rows

SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
edited March 2012 in Tech Support
So I have a CVS file with 4 columns and 1752 rows. They are essentially short trivia questions with 3 answers. (not exactly but close enough, im recreating our iOS game in gamesalad for android and web).

My issue is that only 999 rows seem to be supported (which is ok for a demo but this causes issues for me for a paid android version of this game since the iOS version (xcode) has 1752)

It also seems (and I saw someone briefly mention something like this in another thread) that there is a max amount of data. When I chop my database down to 999 rows and 4 columns I seem to lose the last column randomly. The data cannot be pulled in from that column and when I go back to the table view that column is missing.

So the question is... What is the max amount of data a table can hold? Is it character count or what? Can this be increased? Is there a workaround?


  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    The issue i'm having is not that I can't have more than 1000. If I import a csv with 1700 rows it'll import fine and set the correct number of rows. If I hit the up/down arrows on the rows it will pop a warning and set the rows to 999 or 998.

    The issue I'm having is that my last 2 columns cannot display data. I'm using a "Display Text" to pull text from colums 3 and 4 and nothing comes through. No "Invalid Expression" and no data, it's just blank. It works fine if I lower the amount of rows to around 650.
  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    No I can't send any files sorry.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    First if you want support and tShirtbooth asks for files don't be afraid, he will not steal your work. If anyone can be trusted it is mr. T. But that's your choice and I respect that.

    Perhaps a workaround is to switch the rows and columns. So make 4 rows and 1750 columns. I am not sure but isn't there a button for that in excel?
    You wil have to change some references to your table too but that is just switching the row and column numbers. (I guess you knew that last part).

  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    I'm sure he's a great and trustworthy guy but as a company who makes games I cannot give out all my assets for this game like that. It's nothing personal. I'll look for a large database of sample data that simulates mine and the problem should be apparent. It's not with MY code, i'm just pulling data, and since tables are not writable I should not be able to modify them through my code. Yet data is missing.

    Thanks for the willingness to help. I will set up a test case for you.
  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    here is a test case of exactly what i'm seeing. sample data with a simple display text from the database.
  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    humm that makes things a bit difficult. Some of my database has some math in it, not really acceptable to remove that due to the () - + =. I would think this is considered a bug... no?

    Other than that I dont have any " : $ @ & in there. It imports fine, even display's fine, but soon as I preview the game it craps out.
  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    i have no empty cells in my csv file. something isnt making sense here. if i get blank cells im missing data on import.
  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    it's from excel mac 2011
  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    that database was the sample database, in the actual database im using I have no cells that are blanked out or special characters. i'll crawl through it and post my findings, if there are any.
  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    yea, that is an issue but thats not an option. I found a few special characters in there so I'm going to crawl through it and try to knock those out. According to your findings that should fix it. I'll post again if that isn't it.
  • SUMinteractiveSUMinteractive Member, PRO Posts: 49
    yep, there were a few Å characters in there. Not a problem for xcode which is why we never bothered to replace them. Thanks for the help.
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