is it legal to put proper songs as the background music

1timmy31timmy3 Member Posts: 20
is it legal to put proper songs as the background music or do you have to make your own?


  • 1timmy31timmy3 Member Posts: 20
    ahh ok :( like i want sandstorm as my backing music
    can i have that?
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    "if you did not make the song or buy the rights to it then no you can not use it."
  • 1timmy31timmy3 Member Posts: 20
    ah ok no then
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member, PRO Posts: 2,033
    You can go to the copywrite holders of the song. Usually the record label or the song's/artist's publisher, and request to licence it for your game.
    You should be able to find the info you need for which label released it, and which publisher(s) own the rights to it. at ... search for sandstorm (or Darude).

    They will more than likely want some kind of upfront licence fee, especially on something as well known, and widely licenced as Sandstorm........but you never know!
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