Creating a Character To Be Seen From Above.
I have been working on a game recently and my biggest problem is actually making the main character. The main character is a a soldier that has to carry a gun. I have spent over 10 hours with several prototypes but all didn't seem right. All you would see of the character would be the vertical part of him from above (head, shoulders, arms, etc). If you have experience with this kind of design work, please spare a couple minutes to give me advice. It would save me a great deal of time and effort.
Caliber Games
Caliber Games
Best Answers
SoldierBulls Posts: 61
Hi @AvalancheGames ! That was my problem a few days ago. Then I discover a great and easy to use 3d app for mac called Art of Illusion. You can design the basic body head legs and arms of your soldier, and then change the point of view of the camera to see how it looks from above or whatever the angle you want. That was enough for me!Hope it will help you!
Thanx for sharing some love! … @Mazapy9teen
Is this what you are after?