Skype, Chatting whatever about Gamesalad / Apps

ShinplasterShinplaster Member Posts: 45
edited March 2012 in Miscellaneous
Hey guys i've been trying to find some people to talk to randomly about apps, gamesalad, or whatever. I have tried to look up some groups but haven't been to successful and would still like to have the experience to be able to "talk?" to other fellow gamesaladers. I was thinking along the lines of adding me on Skype and creating a conversation that people could join ( and leave if necessary ;) ) and just easily contact each other and what not. Don't judge me as I'm 14, but mature. Thanks in advance.

If you already know or have a group inv me if possible as I don't want to start something thats already happening however. If not add me on Skype: theshinplaster


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