Is developing worth it?

I'm going to buy a license to submit my apps, but I want to know one thing first. How much do most GS developers drag in every month? About how much does each app make?
Best Answer
jonmulcahy Posts: 10,408
GS developers make anywhere from 0 to more than zero.
it's not the tool, it's the person behind it. when i first started out, it was pretty easy to recoup the costs of the $500 express version. It's more difficult now, but I see no reason you couldn't recoup the $99 apple license fee each year. all you need is to work hard and make sure you put your best effort forward.
is it worth 6 pizzas to have the joy of seeing your game available for others to enjoy?
fortunately, for me, I like making games better than I like eating pizza!
But i think if you get one good game out their you'll recoup $99 in no time..
There is one thing that money can't buy though and that's the dream of having your creation on the app store in front of the masses and you never forget your 1st game.
People say with each new game it gets better than the last so i would plan on making 3-4 games and see how things go.
Best of luck.
That having been said, it could be. If you look at a company like Rovio who made Angry Birds, their recent venture Angry Birds: Space sold 10 million copies for 69p or 99cents in less than a week.
£6.9 Million revenue.
Draw Something was sold to Zynga for £120 Million ($200 million) which, if you don't know, is an app that again sells for 69p.
It can pay off with the correct premise for your app and of course, marketing.
PS: Dream big.
At the end of the day, to make money you will need a good game and a great deal of luck.
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--Start with a large one!
Actually, that is what people say about investing in stock options. So far I am in @jonmulcahy's camp. I am not getting rich, but I am enjoying the experience and the prestige that comes with app publishing.