Question about Changing buttons?

gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, GS dudes.
I am gonna make button which can be switched multiple.
eg) 1. There is only one button. (start)
2. If click the start button, it changes four buttons. (beginner, middle, advance, and back)
3. When user click back button, it goes back to start button.
How do I make it? Help me~ :D

Best Answer

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
    edited April 2012 Accepted Answer
    Think this is what you mean

    make a self attribute called buttonState

    Rule: When touch is pressed
    -change attribute buttonState to (buttonState+1)%5

    Rule: When attribute buttonState=0
    -change image to start

    Rule: When attribute buttonState=1
    -change image to beginner

    Rule: When attribute buttonState=2
    -change image to middle

    Rule: When attribute buttonState=3
    -change image to advanced

    Rule: When attribute buttonState=4
    -change image to back


  • gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
    @JohnPapimitis Hi, John. What I want is when user click start button, four other buttons would be shown up. Then when user click each button, each scenes would be changed. But when user click back button, it would go back to start button.
    Another problem is that I have no idea after each buttons are showed up. How do I make the link?
    Thanks all the time :D
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