*** How to turn off 'display text' in an actor ***

jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys, I have an actor where I need to display one word of text. When the actor is touched I want to display this same text in a different color. Therefore, I have the following logic but it's not working......any help would be appreciated!!

when self.touch = 0 display text (with black color)
when touch is pressed change self.touch attribute
when self.touch = 1 display text (with green color)

The problem i'm having is that the black text is still there when self.touch changes to 1. Can anyone help? I'm creating apps where words need to be touched so I need to figure this out!! Thanks


  • mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
    Use "otherwise'

    when self.touch = 1 display text (NO TEXT) try that :)
  • mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
    I'm not on my computer i'm at school so I cant see if that will work but its worth a try!

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    when attribute self.touched=0
    -display text black
    -dispay text green
  • jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353
    hey guys figured this out, it actually works fine, not sure what i was doing wrong
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