Make Actor Stand on Moving Platform?
I have two different platforms made (one that moves horizontally and the other vertically). They both are non-movable and use interpolate to move. How can I get my character to be able to stay on the platform when they move? Right now the horizontal platform just slides out from underneath the main character and the character falls, and when I stand on the vertical platform and it starts to go down, my actor falls at a slower rate than the platform moves downward. I know someone out there has working platforms...
I replaced the following:
"When keyboard 'left' is down" with "When touchX > self.positionX"
and also:
"When keyboard 'right' is down" with "When touchX > self.positionX"
besides those two changes everything else is the same, but the actor won't "walk" left and right while standing on the platform (works fine on the ground still)? Any ideas?
edit: well, I actually did more than that in that I have "change self.motion.linear velocity x to 0" if touch is not pressed. causing the character to stop when I release the touch. But I tried to replace just the same code in your project as I wrote above, and the character does not walk when it should on the platform.