Throwing a ball against a wall effect, need help

part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi there, I have a ball that i want to throw against a wall (side view). I can get the ball to bounce off the wall, but the "throw" of my ball is a perfectly straight line.. i would like to have the ball throwing and arc a little as a real ball. what i find odd is that when the ball hits the wall.. it seems to naturally arc after that..

The application of what i'm asking about would be great to know in general! :) I just have a specific application i'm trying to apply it to.

here is how my ball is currently setup in regards to its movement..


Best Answer

  • calvin9403calvin9403 Posts: 3,186
    Accepted Answer
    then you want to have a speed at first and accelerate down


  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    i do wonder though.. so i can get the effect if i do have an embedded speed for x, y in the properties of the object.. but thats a static value. is there some way to have behaviors (which can be dynamic) work together in some fashion?

    I know its a slow response. I originally didn't get this answer, but reviewing this answer, i made some good progress..

    i could imagine a workaround being to have numerous actors with different speed embedded but this just doesn't seem like an efficient way to deal with this.

  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    wow that is awesome. not only did you answer my question about the angle velocity thing but also the "flick" idea as i have a game that was going to rely heavily on the ability to fling and object.

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