web preview and app doesnt work

pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
edited April 2012 in Tech Support
hello, i have my game that im working on and i was previously using only the preview mode for testing. Now when i do a web preview the game glitches and doesnt work right (no tables) and even when i publish a test app it doesnt do what its supposed to. I have a thread with a video recording of the problem.

Best Answer

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Posts: 9,934
    Accepted Answer

    a Couple things:

    1. I've merged your three topics into one. they all appear to be about the same thing. Please keep it all to one thread.

    2. You might be a little trigger happy with your reject answer button. I think me personally When someone fires away a reject answer to my first response to you that also includes more questions I would prob not worry about helping out anymore. maybe i'm the only one who would be put off by something rather trivial but I doubt it. If I came back to keep helping and saw you had rejected my initial attempt to help I would just move on and leave you to your problem. So my advice is use that puppy a little more sparingly and maybe just save it for the answers that in no way shape or form helped move you in the direction of a solved problem.

    Good luck on solving your issue. I personally don't ever use web preview so I have no way to know what advice to give you on this one.



  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2012
    ok so i dont get it. it seems that my game has issues with the html5 coding because it works fine under preview and as an app (made a test publish to the mac and received the app) but when i click the web preview button half the time it quits gamesalad and discards changes from last save, and the other half it works fine until i get to the part where your character moves, then all of the things that are supposed to be following it dont move at all... it is a lot more complicated than that so a problem might lie somewhere in there but this is just a summary. if someone could tell me how to fix this that would be great or is it just that gamesalad cant convert certain things to html5?
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    what browser and version of gamesalad is you using? I have no problems with chrome and safari
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Do you use tables in this project? i think html publishing does not support tables at the moment ..

    Photobucket Roy
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    Im not using tables, im using 0.9.92 and i just use the default in game web previewer... But the bar selection for (launching in browser) is set to safari but that shouldnt matter until you launch it right? Idgi because it works almost perfectly with only a few glitches in preview mode... This did happen to ne before but i found that the html froze up because it got to a point where there was a stray constrain attribute. This is different though cuz it still plays but it doesnt qork right at all... Please help!
  • mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
    Uhmm how complicated is your game I recently tried making a Naval War game and the web preview barfed on me :)
  • mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
    Yet the naval war game played just fine in the gamesalad previewer
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    mine is not too complicated for gameplay, but the mechanics themselves are (to me at least) a little complicated because there is a lot going on, and its not even half done yet. does complexity affect functionality of html coding?
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2012
    Hey, Ive been making my game, and it works fine when I preview it. If I web preview it or make a test app package, the game doesn't do what I want it to. It's a really bad glitch that make my game almost unplayable. Any help solving this issue be it a change of rules or whatever is appreciated. If it can't be fixed I'm already feeling like just scratching my game completely even after all the time I invested.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    We need more info then that in order to help you.
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2012
    well the weapons on my tank that are supposed to be rotating off center with the tank are messed up. in the web preview the secondary weapons (offset to the side) are stationery.(testing with missile launchers) when they shoot missiles they go and disappear after a second or so. the main weapon is pointed wrong but the projectile still shoots straight (spawned by turret not weapon). In app mode the weapons follow fine, but the missiles go and freeze after a second, although their particles of smoke are still being emitted they just stay still. the main weapon also shoots at varying speeds in weird directions. I cant figure it out and i think you might need to see it to know what im talking about.
    Thanks for your help and hope you know more than i do :D,
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    do you have tables in your game? I 've heard that web previews can't run tables
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    nope, no tables
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    how do i post it once im done recording?
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    Upload to youtube
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    i cant find a good screen recorder that doesnt lag when you play it, and i dont have a youtube account so i guess i can email it (the laggy one) or wait until i can find a good recorder or i could send my project
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    Just use QuickTime

  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2012
    @JohnPapiomitis @calvin9403 @jonmulcahy
    ok sorry ive been trying to upload it for the past few hours but i found that there was a glitchy process that was taking up 190% of my CPU??? anyway i updated some software and restarted so it seems to work fine for now. anyway heres the file and thanks for the help

  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    ^^^ i posted a link to a video of my problem above, someone please help this issue is literally a wall in front of my entire project and a waste of my time, is it just a GS glitch?
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    I have the same issue. I have sent an email off to support, I will see if I receive a reply.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    edited April 2012
    Does your app have tables? Even a blank one? (Just double check)
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    ya I have heard that tables don't work in web preview
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    nope non at all, and shouldnt the app version work anyway with tables just not the web?
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    No tables here either! :/
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    how long does support usually take to respond to a problem?
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    Are you a Pro member? If so 24 hours (business day's only). For anyone else it varies. I desperately need to know! Would going back a version help things? I tried to do it and I couldn't get it to work so far but if anyone has any tips could they help us out here?

    I'd also like to hear from any of the GameSalad guy's and girl's!
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    well im not pro so i guess ill have to wait it out.

    This is seriously bothering me, I have been spending every hour of my free time even late at night for the past while working with gamesalad. now I kind of lost hope because I got so far. Now all i have to do in spare time is try to learn javascript :/ (I actually want to learn how to program for real just for kicks :P) I don't even think it can be fixed on our side, its probably a bug in GS because no one has offered a solution yet. Hope customer service gets this sorted out soon though so I can continue work (This game Im building is also a very big project i have for school and I sure dont want to fail that)
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    edited April 2012
    @pinata14 Same though I will be purchasing soon :D

    I also need this sorted ASAP, I have a client waiting for a game to be completed yet I have no clue how I am going to solve this issue. I tried going back a version in GameSalad but to no avail, I guess it is the web stuff that has messed up.

    Good luck with the project, don't give up! GameSalad is so much better than anything else out there! I get what you mean about learning to code properly, as I can see it would be more satisfying but also a hell of a lot more effort!

    If you need any help on the project or any general questions don't be afraid to Skype/Email me :) (Though you are probably better than me!)

  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    24hrs? I wish

    Last time it took me about 40hrs to get a reply

    Btw why do you want web preview so badly for?
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