Tower defence game - tower targeting issue

proNounproNoun Member Posts: 8
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
So I sat down yesterday and came up with a complicated way to get my towers to target things, based on which one first entered it's range, to the last one.

But my whole plan revolved around using (what apparently doesn't currently exist in GameSalad) a rule to create custom attributes mid-game. That way it would create custom attributes for every target that moves into range of a tower.

Does anyone have a solution of how to make a basic tower in GameSalad that will be able to specifically chose it's target and only destroy that target??


Best Answer

  • FloridaGamesFloridaGames Posts: 328
    Accepted Answer
    Recycle the enemies is the key to a gs tower defense.Make an x and y position attribute for each enemy. make another attribute(enemies on screen[E.O.S.]) and then add an actor at the very beginning of the path and when an enemy collides with it, change eos to eos plus one and change the enemies position(self attribute) to eos this will tell you what is the first enemy the second, third, etc... and when enemy dies change eos to eos-1.


  • richcoyrichcoy Member Posts: 211
    Deep Blue Apps has a template for a Tower Defense game, only 10 British pounds last time I checked.
  • xforcexforce Member Posts: 187
    the dba template won't do what you want it to do
  • proNounproNoun Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2012
    I worked on it myself for the last 2 hours or so... I've got a complicated and probably inefficient system working.

    The template from deep blue apps looks interesting; but I don't have the budget to be buying templates at the moment.

    @FloridaGames - The enemies on screen concept, I'm probably going to use that one; thank you.

    I've decided that once I get this project further along I'm going to create a series of free video tutorials on how to create a basic tower defence tower/game within GS.

    EDIT: @FloridaGames - What if I don't know how many enemies I'm making; how then can I make a x and y game attribute for every enemy?
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