Device Clock: differentiating between AM/PM

ASLASL Member Posts: 1
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Ok, I'm a little stumped but maybe I'm missing something obvious.

Say I wanted an actor to change into one image at 4AM and into another at 4PM.
Most users (in the US anyway) aren't going to have their clock set to a 24hr clock.

So game.Clock.Hour = 4 triggers at both 4AM and PM, boo.

Any way to get this to work? Thoughts?


  • ASLASL Member Posts: 1
    Doh. You're correct, it behaves at it should.

    I had swapped in greater than in place of = , forgot I had and fooled myself, overlooked the obvious.

    Retested and game.Clock.Hour = 4 doesn't trigger at 4PM and game.Clock.Hour = 16 does.

    Of course game.Clock.Hour > 4 is gonna trigger at 16, jeez.

    Thanks. Now I'm embarrassed!
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