Spawning Actors
hello, i have an actor that every .01 s spawns another actor(2) above it and every .01 s actor 2 destroys itself so it looks like actor1 and actor2 are just only one actor, the problem is that if i put 2 actors1 in scene the second actor will spawn an actor2 and that actor will not destroy itself and i cant understand why is it happening, if you have an idea what this is happening i would appreciate your opinion, thank you.
i can send the file also so you can check it
i can send the file also so you can check it
Best Answers
pinata14 Posts: 150
something like this happened to me too. Tshirtbooth just told me to use use particles instead of actors and it worked great because there were too many actors being spawned. I dont understand why you cant just have actor2 be constant though lol -
pinata14 Posts: 150
im confused, actor 1 is the player? and he tries to jump on top of actor2? and when he does what happens to both of them (what do you want to happen). -
pinata14 Posts: 150
were you trying to accomplish something like this? -
pinata14 Posts: 150
Ok, so you can instead of every .01 seconds just have one protection that follows actor 2, or is this a conflict? -
pinata14 Posts: 150
(in protection)
constrain attribute self position x to actor2 position x
constrain attribute self position y to actor2 position y + (however far above the actor 2 you want it to be)
when ;
"actor1" ---is going right---> collide(they do not bounce) <-----is going left--"actor2"
<------- "actor1" "actor2"---------->
ok thats easy i can do that, but sometimes i have like trampolines in the floor so when "actor1" or "actor2" hits them, they jump and sometimes "actor1" or "actor2" lands on the other one, and when this happen they stick together because they are constantly touching each other so they do not move, what i was trying to do is to spawn a "protection" over the head of each actor so when (it can be otherwise as well) "actor1" is going to land on "actor2", instead of "actor1" touching "actor2" it touches the "protection" and "actor1" bounces of the "protection" so it does not stick with "actor2"
and thank you for trying to help me i appreciate it