making a app similar to battery doctor?

kungfupanda99kungfupanda99 Member Posts: 27
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Would there be any possible way to do this, to be able to show the live stats of the device battery or would it have to be done in Xcode?

Best Answer


  • kungfupanda99kungfupanda99 Member Posts: 27
    do you know how I can input that because I can't find anything on how I could input a live battery in Xcode?
  • kungfupanda99kungfupanda99 Member Posts: 27
    lol well thanks anyway :D
  • youngster9youngster9 Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2012

    When ever you have questions about how to code stuff you should refer to documentation which is basically all the info about a language. So for you question I found documentation on a class called UIDevice.

    Go down a bit to see 3 properties on battery state.

    Also a quick tip unless you have experience with other high level languages such as Java, C++, C, etc. Objective-C will be hard to grasp. It is a overly complicated language in my opinion. So if you want to start coding, start with another engine that uses a simpler language that Objective-C. Then build your way up. If you do not take this advice I bid you good luck because Objective-C is a very difficult language and if it is your first then it will be tougher.

    That is my little essay :D

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