New engine?

inkoqnitoinkoqnito Member Posts: 16
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)

Is there a date with the new engine? I don't like the loading between menu and game it self:(

Kind regards

Best Answers

  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Posts: 1,447
    Accepted Answer
    If your game is great the users won't mind waiting a little between scenes. :) Otherwise I think you will have to wait until this summer and maybe later to see the new engine.

  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Posts: 2,456
    Accepted Answer
    yes! create an actor with the content you want to show while loading
    add the changeScene behavior to that actor

    also, try to decrease sceneLoading time:
    the scene Loads:
    --all actors and their listed Rules/Behaviors (does not access conditions but loads in memory the listed rules/behaviors)
    --all images (including ChangeImageBehaviors images) (but, not animateImages)

    use changeAttribute behaviors instead of changeImage behaviors
    use a transparent image on actors … (then only 1 very small bit/byte image to load)
    --1st behavior on actors in scene: changeAttribute self.Image To: correctImageName

    -optimize your images
    -nest rules when possible
    -have a controlActor (or the backgroundActor) spawn Actors with an excessive number of Rules/Behaviors

    image MH
  • simo103simo103 Posts: 1,331
    Accepted Answer
    @inkoqnito .. you are on the right track. What I would do is have a full screen image with loading indicator on it (will be static as no animation can run during the load) .. perhaps also put some info for the player to read like "Level loading .... "Be prepared this level introduces 3 bosses who require extra hits to destroy and don't forget to keep you health up before picking a fight with them ... etc". Then set this actor over all the actors in teh scene with its Alpha set to 0. When level is over set this Alpha to 1 and put the change scene behavour in. This way the scene will start to load, there will be a visual loading page for teh gamers and something to distract from the time it takes to load.


  • inkoqnitoinkoqnito Member Posts: 16
    I guess your right, is there à way to have some sort of loading screen while The wheel is present and The game loads?

  • inkoqnitoinkoqnito Member Posts: 16
    yes! create an actor with the content you want to show while loading
    add the changeScene behavior to that actor

    also, try to decrease sceneLoading time:
    the scene Loads:
    --all actors and their listed Rules/Behaviors (does not access conditions but loads in memory the listed rules/behaviors)
    --all images (including ChangeImageBehaviors images) (but, not animateImages)

    use changeAttribute behaviors instead of changeImage behaviors
    use a transparent image on actors … (then only 1 very small bit/byte image to load)
    --1st behavior on actors in scene: changeAttribute self.Image To: correctImageName

    -optimize your images
    -nest rules when possible
    -have a controlActor (or the backgroundActor) spawn Actors with an excessive number of Rules/Behaviors

    image MH
    Hello MotherHoose!

    Thanks for the answer! However i don't get it? How will i know then all content is loaded?

    For example i have a menu and then i press play it changes scene to the gameScene and this is then it loads and the wheel comes up, this is then i want the other scene to show, so do i spawn the loading actor and also but in change scene? so that the loading actor will appear until the next scene has loaded? Sorry i just can't get my head around it could you explain some more=)?

    I was thinking to have something like this:

    first you press the play




    then an actor appears so the user now that the next scene is loading here the wheel in the right bottom appear to




    and here the game has loaded and the user can start to play


    Some game


    don't know if i explained bad?
    but hope you understand what i am meaning=)

    Kind regards
  • inkoqnitoinkoqnito Member Posts: 16
    @simo103 : Thank you Simo thats exactly what i wanted to achieve that way you get a nicer loading and it don't feels like the game freezes in wait for the game to load=)

    Thanks for the help=)
  • LuckyLurcherLuckyLurcher Member Posts: 343

    'use changeAttribute behaviors instead of changeImage behaviors'

    Just wondering how this helps loading times, as I also need to decrease loading times between scenes. I've been using ChangeImage alot in my current project.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    changeattribute instead of changeimage saves you some loading and ram because the app doesn't preload the art for all the changes. but now with being able to deselect preload art i'm not sure it helps that much unless you are still preloading art for your actor
  • LuckyLurcherLuckyLurcher Member Posts: 343
    Ok, thanks. That makes sense. :)
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