GameSalad user profile not working

JagonAppsJagonApps Member Posts: 241
edited April 2012 in Tech Support
I understand that the GS online site isn't quite working smoothly - referring to blog posts in particular, but when I tried to change my user name and email it has gone really weird!

I used to be called JagonDevelopers as it probably shows in this post, but there is not picture for it and when you try to click on my username it says the page is unavailable.
This is because I changed my name and email to JagonApps and this works fine when directly accessing my profile or logging on, but whenever I visit the forums it logs me out, then logs me back in as JagonDevelopers what is going on??

Please help and thanks in advance :)

Best Answer


  • JagonAppsJagonApps Member Posts: 241
    Thats great thanks BUT it doesn't let me change my username only my email is there any way round this or am i doing something wrong????
  • JagonAppsJagonApps Member Posts: 241
    Thanks I'd like it to be 'JagonApps' please :D

    Also when I click on Visit Gamesalad Profile on my forum profile it goes to JagonDevelopers profile (
    which doesn't exist, so would this go to JagonApps profile properly as it should??? Along with my picture reappearing on forum posts???

    Many thanks
  • JagonAppsJagonApps Member Posts: 241
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