24 hour Challenge - April Game Jam Competition

Hi everone!

I am having a game jam again, together with Ozboybrian - who could not post this himself.
But if you're interested in being apart of this months 24hr challenge please post a comment and I will get back on this weekend with further details about when and how

Last time we had a bunch of awesome entries, and I hope you want to play along one more time - and hopefully also to see new people and lots of creativity.
You can see how it went last time here:
Let the games begin and the best dev win :ar!
@leonard just scroll down to the buttom and you will see a button call full site, so you can have your edit button.
Question - When is this taking place? Are there prizes or is it just bragging glory?
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
does anyone want to submit a prize?
maybe my cut the rope ball art??
haha lol.. Gotta win this thing!!
i hope so
Go Check out my Progress on GSBot!
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The place where game developers meet and share
More details about the 24-hour jam can be read here
More details about the 24-hour jam can be read here
2 new techniques I want to try … and old brain keeps generating stuff
so either start now and limit my time to 24hours
or wait to till next weekend! … and I am very impatient!
count me in!
"Hey everyone.
As promised the 2nd 24 hour challenge will be this month.
It will be the last weekend of this month and I will announce the official times 7 days prior to the closing weekend.
The main priority of the 24 hour challenge is to challenge YOURSELF and have FUN.
BUT if people would like to offer prizes for people who "Win" they can do so.
In my opinion, anyone who is willing to attempt to make a game within a 24 hour period is a winner
Please discuss all prizes and terms of the competition.
Currently i'm thinking we'll do the straight up "The World is your Oyster" idea and make whatever type of your game you want, with whatever theme you want.
The main rule is NO templates can be used.
Your team can have as many artists as you like.
You cannot start creating or prototyping the game until the specified time and date has begun.
Thanks again everyone and I look forward to seeing your input"