A Tetris template?

KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
edited April 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello all,
I was wondering if there was a template out there for building a Tetris game? Thanks in advance!

image killerpenguins image

Best Answers

  • youngster9youngster9 Posts: 326
    Accepted Answer
    No you cannot make tetris because you would need custom collision shapes. But right now there are only square, circle, and a couple more ... i think. I am unsure of how many shapes there are but they would not be able to be used for tetris.
  • RThurmanRThurman Posts: 2,881
    Accepted Answer
    Tetris games are made with nested arrays (tables within tables).

    It is technically possible to create a clone of Tetris in the current version of GameSalad, but it won't be easily done until GameSalad has read/write tables. The day that GameSalad launches read/write tables is the day that making a testis clone will become very, very easy. I would predict that it will take just a few hours before the first Tetris template will become available.

    Interesting fact: The Tetris Company (TTC) owns the trademark, and sues the socks off of anyone who uses any variation of the word "tetris" in a clone of the gameplay.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Posts: 5,692
    Accepted Answer
    We believe it is possible, Wayne sent me a demo a while back and I was really impressed.

    We never took it any further but yes I believe it's more than possible with gs.

  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Posts: 1,362
    Accepted Answer
    I could be forgetting something, but I feel like this would be possible if you had each block made up of smaller blocks constrained together. If you could find a way to make it work without being hard on performance, you could potentially get it to work, I think.

    I could be wrong though, or I could be forgetting some part of Tetris.

  • youngster9youngster9 Posts: 326
    Accepted Answer
    The idea that asymptoteell is suggesting might work, it would be a lot of work and require lots of coding. Although it wouldn't be efficient. Once there are enough blocks on the screen I would think it would cause lagging and crash. I don't know if the new lua-free engine would be able to handle it either. I would wait for custom collision shapes, it will make it easier and more efficient.



  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
    edited April 2012
    No you cannot make tetris because you would need custom collision shapes. But right now there are only square, circle, and a couple more ... i think. I am unsure of how many shapes there are but they would not be able to be used for tetris.
    Since the blocks are made up of smaller blocks, you can create custom collision boxes and then constrain them to the shape that you created it for. Once a shape come on screen, the custom collision boxes you made would be there with it. I have done this same type of thing in one of my other games but with the circle collision.

  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
    Tetris games are made with nested arrays (tables within tables).

    It is technically possible to create a clone of Tetris in the current version of GameSalad, but it won't be easily done until GameSalad has read/write tables. The day that GameSalad launches read/write tables is the day that making a testis clone will become very, very easy. I would predict that it will take just a few hours before the first Tetris template will become available.

    Interesting fact: The Tetris Company (TTC) owns the trademark, and sues the socks off of anyone who uses any variation of the word "tetris" in a clone of the gameplay.
    Understand and makes sense and about companies suing people, that is why I don't call it Tetris and I change it around and and make it unique and make it into a parody. If it is like that then they won't sue or if they due they would lose. So in regards to that, if you know the system and how to get around it then you have nothing to worry about and you are good. LOL!

  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291
    Thanks for your comments guys.
    We believe it is possible, Wayne sent me a demo a while back and I was really impressed.

    We never took it any further but yes I believe it's more than possible with gs.

    Hey Darren,
    You wouldn't happen to still have the demo, would you? Again, thanks guys!

    image killerpenguins image

  • NmdogdudeNmdogdude Member Posts: 174
    I believe Tshirtbooth has a tutorial on making L and S-shaped blocks for a tetris-like game
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